Thursday, August 30, 2007


What with the subprime meltdown and all there was no budget left for summer camp so the big dude improvised this tent (God bless) when the heat came back. Works for me.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Tiger Markings

Check them out! I live in Big Ten country but my college football heart's in Louisiana

Monday, August 27, 2007

Training Tips #2 - Petting Technique

OK, you get comfy in someone's lap and you can expect to be petted. No problem, but how do you get the right kind of petting. ObserveFirst step is to signify which hand you want and where you want it. Here I want some head strokes so I eyeball the right hand. For back strokes I would arch my back slightly, or roll a bit.

I lucked out here, halfway, and got an immediate response but not to the right place so I rub my cheek on the dude's hand to guide him to the right spot.

Paydirt! Feels great. Makes the effort worthwhile.

But don't expect miracles - when you've had enough tell them! A little claw speaks volumes.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

This dreary weather has me down

When's it going to end? I've already reread the Updike book and the new Kevin Bacon flick wo'nt be out until next Friday (not that I'll be allowed anyway).

Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm so into Fridays

Do I need to explain this? I didn't think so.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Twisting The Night Away

Nothing gets me going like an uptempo Sam Cooke number, not even Science Diet. I hear that beat and Sam's sweet pipes and I just have to shake it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My concept of a cool vacation

You like to travel? Fine. Enjoy! I got everything I need right here, now that the cable's been sorted out (don't get me started about yesterday's appointment which was supposed to be 8-10am and turned out to be 3pm - missed the entire House Hunters International minimarathong). Anyway, check the plants. The big dude and his old lady brought them back from Arizona for me.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Where's the cable guy?

They said he'd be here between 8 and 10 so I got up early and scoffed down breakfast. It's past 11, I've already missed The View and there's a minimarathon of House Hunters International coming up. Now that we have the HD plasma screen there's no way I'm going to strain my eyes with antenna reception.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

OMG - Look Who's In First Place!!!!!

What?! No, why would I be talking about the Cubs? What do cats know about baseball? I'm talking about myself. I'm #1.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I've got the Jason Bourne thing

It comes naturally to me - the deadpan/alert stare, the acute awareness of what's about to happen and what to do about it, the impossible good looks of Matt Damon. I'm a dead ringer for him? Forget about it. He's a dead ringer for me. Almost. He doesn't have the blue eyes, But I still love you Matt, in a bromance sort of way.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Thank God I'm Feline

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Training The Staff - Brushing

We all love to be brushed, at least most of us, and we all face the same communications issue with getting overzealous brushers to understand when to stop. I have found a three step approach to work quite well.
1. Do the standard thing of raising your head and perking your ears.
If this works consider yourself blessed with perceptive staff, otherwise try
2. Gently repulse the wrist of the brushing hand with one paw. Do not use any claw action with this. 90% of the time this will work. Give it a few seconds, but if your staff is especially dim escalate to
3. Clench brushing arm with both paws and deliver a delicate but firm nip to the brushing hand. The soft flesh at the base of the thumb is an effective target for immediate reaction

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

If Cats Had Their Own Olympics

I think I could qualify for Synchronized Sleeping

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Vet Wasn't So Bad After All

Nice guy. Doctor Something. Pretty weird how all vets are named Doctor. I'm in perfect health, but when I heard that I weighed 14.4 pounds I freaked out. Diet and exercise, right? I need to take better care of my body. Come to think of it maybe I should make an appointment at the spa. Check the eyebrows - see what I mean?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Damn, I'm Too Handsome To Be Just A House Cat

I should move to Detroit. Then I could be a Lion.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

"I write the songs that make the young girls...."

Go ahead, laugh. I love Barry Manilow. Sure it's corn, kitsch, and schmaltz - so when I sing along why does it make feel so good , so, so alive! I'm pretty much a confirmed bachelor but were the right girl to catch me at the right moment I know how I'd propose.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I Had This Dream

I was in the mall, at the food court, just minding my business when someone yelled "It's a cat!" and there was a big stampede and I got scared and started to run too and there were all these people running in every direction and their feet kept getting bigger and then I looked down and my feet were getting smaller and smaller and I was trying to make it to the door at the end of the hall but it kept getting farther and farther away and then I woke up

Friday, August 10, 2007

Not Now! A Little Later, Maybe.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I got a lot on my plate right now and I need just a little more rest before I get going. Okay? Sorry.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Just Couldn't Fall Asleep Last Night

I know what you're thinking - cats nap all the time, cats sleep 16 hours a day. Get over it. Remember all the Ambien that's gone missing lately? Anyway, as long as I don't miss any of Whoopi's appearances I'll get through it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Desperate Problems Require Desperate Solutions

I'm talking about the heat wave. The Dog Days have reduced me to fanning my butt in public. When are the Cat Days?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

As Constant As The North Star

You can have your list of 100 things to do before you die. There are two things I have to do each morning:
1) a satisying bowl of Science Diet
2) catch The View

Monday, August 6, 2007

Too Hot To Write

Soon as I find the remote it'll be crank up the AC and see you later

Sunday, August 5, 2007

What Was The Ultimatum?

They snuck out to catch the matinee of the Bourne Ultimatum. Now they claim I was sleeping or they would have taken me. OK, maybe I was napping but I thought we were clear about stuff I'm willing to wake up for. Heck I would have let them trim a couple of nails for that one. Guess I'll catch it on DVD.

(people tell me I look a lot like Matt Damon...what do you think?)

Sunday Brunch

These sticky Dog Days give me an appetite. Go figure! I pulled out all the stops this morning at 6am while the big guy and his old lady were out of it. I have a little stash of freeze-dried Goji berries. A teaspoon of that ground up with some high altitude grown organic barley makes a heckofa garnish for my Science Diet.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Big Dude's Feet

Like, who's the sentient being, him or me? Did you ever see a cat with a tan line anywhere? Did you ever see a cat wearing Birkenstocks? Check the welt on the right foot. I assume you noticed the bunion. Told him not to do all those marathons.

Next topic - the name "Bob". Will someone out there back me up on that one? I mean where'd he get that name - Walmart?

My Humble Haiku Fir Y'All

Breakfast was here
Birds Fly
Breeze in my whiskers
Life is good

Friday, August 3, 2007

Anyone seen my copy of the new Rolling Stone?

I hafta use the llitter box

Did I Miss Lunch?

I'm not sleepy and the big guy is hogging the computer.

My Favorite TV Shows

Letterman (of course), The View (surprised?) and House Hunters

Dodged A Bullet

Good news/bad news.
Good news: They cancelled my vet appointment for this morning
Bad news: They made another one