Thursday, December 25, 2008

George's Games

George loves to box and wrestle with my hand. He signals by sitting close by and staring at my hand. I oblige by holding my hand a few inches above his head and wiggling it, or by feigning attacks with it, or by gentling attacking with it. He usually sits still for a moment, or longer, until springing into action. He jumps, grasps my hand in his forepaws and chomps on it, wrestles it to the ground and continues to wrestle with it, using his rear legs to pummel it if it resists.

He can play this game for a very long time but it is not his favorite. His favorite game is to spring an ambush from a hidden spot. A cardboard box is a good hiding place, another is behind the bedspread when it is draped over the foot of the bed. He gets very excited, runs to hide, waits and watches a few seconds, and attacks. Occasionally he just waits and watches, perhaps expecting that it is my turn to attack. He can play this game indefinitely.

A variation of the ambush game is to pounce on my hand when it is under a blanket. He watches from a few feet away for a while and then jumps to where my hand is, thrusting his paws blindly under the blanket. Sometimes he twists his head and pushes it under the covers to nibble at my hand.

As much as he bites and paws at my hand, wrist, and forearm he rarely leaves marks.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Winter Look

M.I.T Press Release

Announcing a new undergraduate major for the class of 2009 - Food Services Management.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

An English-Meezerese Dictionary

Okay, if you're a human you talk to a meezer but the meezer does not understand, and if you're a meezer you talk to a human but the human does not understand. Sound familiar? Well I'm here to help.

Lesson #1 - there is only one word in the Meezerese Dictionary and that word is "Wah" - just like a human baby says (which is why meezers can understand them). So anything a human wants to say to a meezer there is no need to search for the right word, there's only one word.

Homework assignment for humans - translate the following sentences into Meezerese:
1) Are you hungry?
2) Are you sleepy?
3) What happened to the carpet?

Answers tomorrow

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Das Boots

Well I guess it's time to make predictions so I say this will be the year of the bird. Ducks and Eagles. Don't ask what my pads have to do with it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nothin Says Lovin

Like Warm Sheets Right Outa The Oven
Kinda Hits A G-Spot

Recovery Day

No Train, No Pain. That's how I look at it. Anyway, this bag is too comfy.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bed & Breakfast

Hold the breakfast! I'll get back to you on that

Saturday, July 5, 2008

"Them That's Not Got Won't Get"

You know, Mama May Have, Papa May Have, etcetera... Well I..Do...NOT...Have. OK, so I hit the scales a little heavy the other day. A Half pound - what's that?! I guess I'll keep staring at my dish until something good happens.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Les Meezerables"

I've got this really great idea for a reality show. 10 cats from all different countries set loose on the streets and sewers and supermarkets of Paris. Then they do stuff with cameras following them around and each week one kitty gets the big hiss until there's just me left and then I win.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Just Me And My Quilt

Who wrote that song? Irving Berlin? Mitchell Parish? Anyway, on a warm afternoon what could beat snuggling up solo and listening to the birds tweeting outside?

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Meezer Institute Of Technology Is Now Accepting Applications

Degree programs in Recreation, Sleep Science, Dermatology, Massage, Feline Studies, Meezer Mathematics, Kitty Kalkulus, and much more.

Financial Aid Available!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Take On The Final Four

I havta go with Memphis. They have the best players, the best record, and the best mascot. Back in August I told you right here that LSU was it in football. Trust me about Tigers, wherever they're from.

The other teams have great players and records too, but look at their mascots:

Tar Heels? Is that a mammal, reptile, or bird? For sure it's not a feline.

Jayhawks isn't bad, if there really is such a thing as a jayhawk. Maybe they really meant Jaywalks. I dunno.

Bruins> Please! What are UCLA's cheerleaders called - The Bruinettes?